Critical Care / Intensive Care Nurse Practitioner Career Guide

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Critical Care or Intensive Care Nurse Practitioners (CCNPs/ICNPs) are advanced practice nurses who specialize in providing specialized and high-level care to critically ill patients. These healthcare professionals work in intensive care units (ICUs) and other critical care settings, collaborating closely with medical teams to manage complex medical conditions and emergencies.


To become a Critical Care/Intensive Care NP, you'll need to start by completing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, which usually takes about four years. After obtaining your BSN, you need to become a registered nurse (RN) by passing the NCLEX-RN exam. Following that, you'll need to pursue a Master of Science in Nursing


A stethoscope held in one hand

Related certifications

Once you complete your advanced degree, you'll need to become board certified as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (ACNP-BC) through organizations like the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) or the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Many programs also require you to have experience as a registered nurse in a critical care setting, such as ICU Nurse experience,


Critical Care/Intensive Care NPs require a combination of medical knowledge and specialized skills. An in-depth understanding of complex medical conditions, pharmacology and advanced diagnostic skills are essential. Strong decision-making abilities, critical thinking and the capacity to remain calm under pressure are crucial when managing critically ill patients. Effective communication and collaboration skills are necessary for working closely with multidisciplinary teams

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Critical Care/Intensive Care NPs have multifaceted responsibilities. They assess patients, diagnose medical conditions, interpret diagnostic tests, create treatment plans and prescribe medications. They also perform procedures such as inserting central lines, intubation and managing ventilators. These NPs closely monitor patients' progress, make adjustments to treatment plans as needed and provide education and support to patients and their families.

Salary Insights

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Critical Care / Intensive Care Nurse Practitioner

The average salary for a Critical Care / Intensive Care Nurse Practitioner is $2,227.80 per week.

Last updated on February 24, 2025. Based on active jobs on

Pros & Cons

Critical Care/Intensive Care Nurse Practitioners must be highly skilled and possess specialized knowledge to manage complex medical cases. Their role is critical, as they make important decisions that directly impact patients' outcomes and well-being. NPs build strong relationships with patients and families, providing crucial support during challenging times. In addition to making a significant impact on patients' lives, this role

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Critical Care / Intensive Care Nurse Practitioner Jobs

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Staff Position

Nurse Practitioner - Critical Care/Intensive Care

  • Medicus Healthcare Solutions
  • Essex County, MA
  • 3x12 hrs, Nights


approximately $76-87/hr
Posted 12 days ago
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Staff Position

Nurse Practitioner - Critical Care/Intensive Care

  • Memorial Hermann - Texas Medical Center
  • Houston, TX
  • 3x12 hrs


Posted 5 days ago
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Staff Position

Nurse Practitioner - Critical Care/Intensive Care

  • Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
  • Hershey, PA
  • flexible
  • Sign-On Bonus
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View job details for Nurse Practitioner - Critical Care/Intensive Care
Staff Position

Nurse Practitioner - Critical Care/Intensive Care

  • Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
  • Hershey, PA
  • flexible
  • Sign-On Bonus
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